Home 9 News 9 PowerPhotonic will premier its Multi-Spot Generator and profile both its new, Variable Beam Shapers and High-Power Beam Combiner Module, at SPIE Photonics West, booth 5023.
PowerPhotonic will premier its Multi-Spot Generator and profile both its new, Variable Beam Shapers and High-Power Beam Combiner Module, at SPIE Photonics West, booth 5023.

PowerPhotonic will premier its Multi-Spot Generator and profile both its new, Variable Beam Shapers and High-Power Beam Combiner Module, at SPIE Photonics West, 25 to 30 January 2025, booth 5023. The Multi-Spot Generator delivers efficiencies exceeding 90% in some configurations, the result of using PowerPhotonics’s unique, fused silica, freeform optics manufacturing process. Its extreme, low scatter, surface optics, make the Multi-Spot Generator ideal for high power applications, such as laser directed energy, and low power applications, like DNA sequencing. Also on display will be freeform optics produced using PowerPhotonic’s latest manufacturing processes. These achieve optics that are three times the diameter and ten times the depth of those previously, routinely available.

Dr. Stephen Kidd, Head of Sales and Marketing at PowerPhotonic, said, “During 2024, PowerPhotonic enhanced its manufacturing competence, producing fused silica, true freeform optics with a sag as large as 1.5mm; a tenfold increase, and in diameters up to 200mm, from 80mm. This dramatic increase in capability broadens the design and application potential of our freeform optics and modules.”

The Coherent Beam Combiner Module, on show, merges light from multiple, input optical fibres into a high-power, high-quality output beam, for directed energy and laser inertial fusion applications. The Variable Beam Shaper focuses a single mode, Gaussian laser beam into a Gaussian spot, a flat top circular spot, or a ring-shaped spot; transitioning smoothly between profiles by changing the input laser beam diameter.

Fraunhofer UK Research will be presenting a paper, co-authored by Paul Blair and Gilles Diederich of PowerPhotonic, entitled ‘Laser fabrication of a monolithic waveguide-lens coupler in bulk fused silica,’ using results from freeform optics made by PowerPhotonic. This will take place on 28 January at 14:55 in the Moscone South, Room 214, as part of LASE.


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